September 30, 2007

New bridge built in Loreto, Baja California Sur

Last year we were in Loreto just after some big storms hit the city.  The main road from Nopolo to downtown Loreto was a mess and in a couple of spots you could still see natural rivers just cutting the road in two.

In one place, right before Loreto, when coming from Nopolo, there was a lot of damage.  During the storm a semi tried to go by, but the waters were so strong, that the whole truck and the driver were swept towards the Sea of Cortez.  A second truck tried to help the first stranded vehicle but the water swept it as well, and both drivers died.

The new bridge in Loreto, Baja, Mexico 

A few weeks ago, in my last visit to Loreto, I was really happy to see that a new bridge was built right at the spot where the tragedy with the trucks occurred.  It's nice to see that the Mexican Federal government is helping Loreto grow and allocating the funds needed for such huge projects.  Click here for more pictures of the new bridge.

Posted by emmanuel at September 30, 2007 3:28 PM
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