Category: 09 - House Designs -
June 07, 2007
Pictures of the house in 3d (the "H-Design")
Last week we published 3d Google Sketchup files of the "H-Design", showing what we want to build on our lot in Loreto (click here for that entry). A "bird's eyes" view of the houseincluding the 2nd floor and viewing tower...
May 28, 2007
Casa Brasil - full design now released!
Janelle has been working really hard these past three days and she has finished working on the H-house designs! This time she tackled all phases: from the first floor, through the second floor, all the way to the viewing tower....
May 12, 2007
Latest Design - H-House
Janelle, George and Stacy have been working hard on the floor plans for many weeks. Due to our trip to Baja I didn't have time to post much, but we're now back and here are some Visio and CAD drawings....
May 07, 2007
3d views of our future home in Loreto
Our architects George and Stacy have given us a few drawings, including the two below. 3d views of our future home in Loreto These are amazing 3d views of what the house could look like once it's done. See below...
April 14, 2007
House Design Considerations
We started working with our new architects, George and Stacy. They are doing an amazing job - Janelle and I are really excited about the great ideas they have! One of the things George showed us right from the beginning...
March 07, 2007
New draft of house design: "Z Shape"
Janelle has been working hard on the house design and she has allowed me to post a first draft of a new design: She calls this the "Z Shape" design due to it's resemblance to, well, the letter Z. This...
January 19, 2007
First draft of house, in 3D, and in Loreto!
A couple of days ago we published the first draft of the house we wish to build. Click here to see how we did it using Google Sketchup. We now went one step further and placed the 3D model directly...
January 17, 2007
First draft of house - in 3D!
A few months ago we worked with our architect, David Kesler (, to define what house we will build. Eventually we hope to have sections and elevations which we'll deliver to our contractor in Loreto. David delivered a first draft...